LIS cafe Daily LIS Quiz-Q.-741 In which of the following the term “Truncation” is used
(A) Budgeting
(B) Search Formulation
(C) Coordination
(D) Classified bibliography
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Answer: Answer: (B)
LIS cafe Daily LIS Quiz-Q.-742 The ______ can be programmed one time either the manufacturer or the computer user.Once programmed it cannot be modified.
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Answer: (D) ROM
LIS cafe Daily LIS Quiz-Q.-743 Technique to implement virtual memory where memory is divided into units of fixed size memory is _________
(A) Paging
(B) De-fragments
(C) Segmentation
(D) None of the above
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Answer: (A) Paging
LIS cafe Daily LIS Quiz-Q.-744 Storage device where time to retrieve stored information is independent of address where it is stored is called _______
(A) Random Access Memory
(B) Secondary Memory
(C) System
(D) None of the above
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Answer: (A) Random Access Memory
LIS cafe Daily LIS Quiz-Q.-745 A memory in CPU that holds program instructions, input data, intermediate results and the output information produced during processing is __________
(A) System
(B) Primary Memory
(C) Secondary Memory
(D) None of the above
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Answer: (B) Primary Memory