571 _ Books misplaced on the shelves by readers are restored. This work is referred to as
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Answer: Shelf Rectification
572 _ Outdated and seldom used books are withdrawn from the library is known as
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Answer: Weeding out
573 _ The objective of library binding is ____________of the library materials
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Answer: Durability
574 _ All part and pages of a volume are correctly sequenced in the first stage of binding process known as
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Answer: Collation (or) checking pagination.
575 _ Sheets before and after the text of a book are called
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Answer: End papers
576 _ Leather being used as one of the binding materials i.e. __________is the strongest leather.
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Answer: Sheep skin
577 _ __________has prescribed certain standards for library binding
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Answer: ALA
578 _ ____________is a process of helping employees in an organization to acquire new skills and competence on a continuing basis.
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Answer: TQM (Total Quality Management)
579 _ Though Japanese writer first to adopt the quality concepts, the original thinkers were
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Answer: American.
580 _ Three main contributors to the Total Quality Management approach are:
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Answer: W. Edwards Deming, Josheph M. Juran and Philip B. Crosby.