LIS cafe Daily LIS Quiz-Q.-686 ‘Canon of Characteristics’ are part of
(A) Verbal plane
(B) Notational plane
(C) Idea plane
(D) Structural plane
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Answer: Answer: (C)
LIS cafe Daily LIS Quiz-Q.-687 Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?
(A) Socio-economic Status
(B) Marital Status
(C) Numerical Aptitude
(D) Professional Attitude
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Answer: Answer: (C)
LIS cafe Daily LIS Quiz-Q.-688 The essential qualities of a researcher are
(A) Spirit of free enquiry
(B) Reliance on observation and evidence
(C) Systematization or theorizing of knowledge
(D) All the above
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Answer: Answer: (D)
LIS cafe Daily LIS Quiz-Q.-689 A byte can represent any number between 0 and _______
(A) 312
(B) 255
(C) 1024
(D) 1025
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Answer: (B) 255
LIS cafe Daily LIS Quiz-Q.-690 Another term of PERT is
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Answer: Answer: (A)