.SET-20- 191 Inductive logic proceeds from:
(A) General to General
(B) Particular to General
(C) General to Particular
(D) Particular to Particular
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Answer: Answer: (B)
.SET-20- 192 Tagging in web . application is called:
(A) Taxonomy
(B) Folksonomy
(C) Syndication
(D) Directory
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Answer: Answer: (C)
.SET-20- 193 The journal “Knowledge Organization” is published by:
(C) LA
(D) LC
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Answer: Answer: (B)
.SET-20- 194 COPSAT stands for…………….
(A) Cooperative periodicals in science and technology
(B) Current online periodicals in science and technology
(C) Current online patent in science and technology
(D) Contents of periodicals in science and technology
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Answer: Answer: (C)
.SET-20- 195 What is the relationship between ISBD and cataloguing codes?
(A) They are not related at all
(B) Cataloguing codes will include bibliographic description
(C) ISBD includes cataloguing rules
(D) ISBD can replace cataloguing rules
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Answer: Answer: (B)
.SET-20- 196 International Information System on Research in Documentation (ISORID was established by :
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Answer: Answer: (B)
.SET-20- 197 IFLA took up the “Universal Availability of Publication” program in the year…………… .
(A) 1973
(B) 1976
(C) 1972
(D) 1970
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Answer: Answer: (D)
.SET-20- 198 ‘Cranfield Project’ is an example of……………….. .
(A) Experimental Research
(B) Survey Research
(C) Case Study
(D) Historical Research
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Answer: Answer: (C)
.SET-20- 199 Who enunciated the term ‘hypertext’ ?
(A) E. Garfield
(B) Bill Gates
(C) Ted Nelson
(D) Raj Reddy
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Answer: Answer: (C)
.SET-20- 200 There are teaching aids which are centered around certain skills such as reading, listening and pronunciation etc. such teaching aids are called as:
(A) Scientific teaching aids
(B) General knowledge teaching aids
(C) Skill based teaching aids
(D) Audio-lingual teaching aids
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Answer: Answer: (D)