Q.-1781 ‘Path-Goal Theory of Leader Effectiveness’ is developed by:
(A) Douglas McGregor
(B) William Ouchi
(C) Robert House
(D) Abraham Maslow
Answer Key is: (C)
Q.-1782 ‘Ambra’ an innovative open source plateform (for publishing open access resource articles) is developed by:
Answer Key is: (C)
Q.-1783 The term ‘Weblog’ was coined by:
(A) E. Williams
(B) Jack Dorsey
(C) Jorn Barger
(D) Peter Merholz
Answer Key is: (C)
Q.-1784 Which of the following is not file hosting service?
(A) One Drive
(B) Google Drive
(C) Live Drive
(D) Xbox Live
Answer Key is: (D)
Q.-1785 VuFind is the tool used for:
(A) Library Automation
(B) Digital Library System
(C) Library Resource Discovery System
(D) Institutional Repository
Answer Key is: (C)
Q.-1786 Which one is the correct ‘Binary number’ for Decimal ‘115’?
(A) 1100011
(B) 1010111
(C) 1111111
(D) 1110011
Answer Key is: (D)
Q.-1787 Research method based on the consensus opinions of panel of experts and judgements is known as:
(A) Historical method
(B) Case study method
(C) Delphi method
(D) Interview method
Answer Key is: (C)
Q.-1788 A probability which is not associated with the occurrence of an event is expressed as a number between:
(A) +1 and −1
(B) 1 and < 1
(C) −1 and 0
(D) 0 and 1
Answer Key is: (D)
Q.-1789 What is the name of the initiative taken by the UGC to provide a 24×7 online store house of all academic awards issued by different academic institutions all over the country?
(A) National Mission on Education Through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT)
(B) National Academic Depository (NAD)
(C) HEI Online Registration Portal
(D) Swayam Prabha
Answer Key is: (B)
Q.-1790 Wersig and Neveling gave which of the following approaches for defining information?
(a) The Action Approach
(b) The Message Approach
(c) The Process Approach
(d) The Structural Approach
(A) (a), (b), (c) are correct.
(B) (b), (c), (d) are correct.
(C) (a), (c), (d) are correct.
(D) (a), (b), (d) are correct.
Answer Key is: (B)