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201. TCP/IP is necessary if one is
to connect to the
(A) Phone lines
(C) Internet
(D) a Server
202. Each character on the keyboard
of computer has an ASCII value which stands for
(A) American Stock Code for
Information Interchange
(B) American Standard Code
for Information Interchange
(C) African Standard Code for
Information Interchange
(D) Adaptable Standard Code
for Information Change
203. Which of the following is not a
programming language ?
(A) Pascal
(B) Microsoft Office
(C) Java
(D) C++
204. Minimum number of bits required
to store any 3 digit decimal number is equal to
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 8
(D) 10
205. Internet explorer is a type of
(A) Operating System
(B) Compiler
(C) Browser
(D) IP address
206. POP3 and IMAP are e-mail
accounts in which
(A) One automatically gets
one’s mail everyday
(B) One has to be connected
to the server to read or write one’s mail
(C) One only has to be
connected to the server to send and receive email
(D) One does not need any
telephone lines
207. If (y)xrepresents a number y in base x, then
which of the following numbers is smallest of all ?
(A) (1111)2
(B) (1111)8
(C) (1111)10
(D) (1111)16
208. High level programming language
can be converted to machine language using which of the following?