31. Which of the following is a multiuser system?
(C) LAN System
(D) LAN and UNIX
32. Decimal Fraction Notation was first used by
(A) Richardson
(B) Charles Martel
(C) Melvil Dewey
(D) H P Luhn
33. Canon of modulation falls under
(A) Chain
(B) Array
(C) Characteristics
(D) Success of characteristics
34. A Collection of entities without any special arrangement among them is termed as
(A) Grouping
(B) Allocations
(C) Aggregate
(D) Cluster
35. According to colon classification ‘J’ is known as
(A) Agriculture
(B) Botany
(C) Medicine
(D) Literature
36. A Scheme for classification that is based on some characteristics of the books, which do not provide a reliable guidance regarding subject matter is ….
(A) Artificial classification
(B) Form classification
(C) Flexible classification
(D) Famifying classification
37. In which scheme for classification, provision for arranging both minor and major topic is made by leaving gaps in notation?
(A) Library of Congress classification
(B) Dewey Decimal Classification
(C) Universal classification
(D) Colon classification
38. A work which is treated as a subject by itself is.
(A) Macro Subject
(B) Micro Subject
(C) Quasi Subject
(D) Spot Subject
39. Detailed classification required for macro documents is known as
(A) Bibliographic Classification
(B) Broad Classification
(C) Depth Classification
(D) Library Classification
40. The suitable reference source to known about the climate of Jaipur ( Rajasthan) is
(A) Globe
(B) Compass
(C) Maps
(D) Gazetteer
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