21. The open access to the shelves contributes to the fulfillment of
(A) Third law
(B) First law
(C) Second law
(D) None of these
22. The activity of knowing acquisition organization and use of knowledge is known as
(A) Concept
(B) Cognition
(C) Perception
(D) Appreciation
23. What is the standard size of the catalogue card used in libraries?
(A) 12 ´ 5 cm
(B) 12.5 ´ 7.5 cm
(C) 5 ´ 3 cm
(D) 10 ´ 8 cm
24. In which state there is no provision of library cess in public library Acts?
(A) Tamil Nadu
(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Maharashtra
(D) Karnataka
25. Systematic maintenance of the income and expenditure flow on records is called
(A) Funding
(B) Marketing
(C) Financing
(D) Accounting
26. Arrangement of data in predetermined sequence is called
(A) Coding
(B) Classifying
(C) Processing
(D) Sorting
27. In computer terminology and usage ‘Bug’ stands for
(A) Error in Hardware selection
(B) Error in software selection
(C) Computer virus
(D) Programming error
28. The full form of ERNET is
(A) Economic Research Networking
(B) Eastern in Region Network
(C) Electronic Research Network
(D) Education and Research Network
29. MS – Office is
(A) An Operating System
(B) A Software
(C) The Hardware
(D) A Programming language
30. INFLIBNET is proposed to link up mainly
(A) Industrial Libraries
(B) Public Libraries
(C) R & D Libraries
(D) Academic Libraries
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