11. Resources sharing among the libraries was originally known as
(A) Library Distribution
(B) Library Cooperation
(C) Library Networking
(D) Inter Library Loan
12. R.R.L.F is a …
(A) Public library
(B) Special library
(C) Government body for supporting public libraries
(D) Trust to support all libraries
13. National policy on library and information system (draft) formulated by
(A) I.L.A
(B) R.R.R.L.F
14. Library Development Plan for India was drafted by
(A) S.R Ranganathan
(B) B.S Kesavan
(C) P.N Kaula
(D) P.B Mangla
15. How many copies of a book should be sent by Publisher under delivery of books Act?
(A) 3 Copies
(B) 4 Copies
(C) 5 Copies
(D) 2 Copies
16. The basic information role of a library is to
(A) Collect information in non – print media
(B) Collect all information available in print media
(C) Collect and dissemination information
(D) Give away books to library users
17. Head office of DELNET is located at
(A) Delhi
(B) Mumbai
(C) Chennai
(D) None of these
18. Books for all is variant of
(A) Second law
(B) Third law
(C) First law
(D) None of these
19. A library that is entitled by law to receive a free copy of every book published is
(A) Dormitory library
(B) Depository library
(C) Deposit library
(D) Community library
20. The library which serves all the member of the society without distinction of age sex cast and creed is
(A) Academic library
(B) Public library
(C) National library
(D) Special library
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