1. Which Egyptian king called his library “A place of healing for the souls”?
(A) Rameses II
(B) Seti I
(C) Amenmesse
(D) Merneptah
2. Open access system was first initiated by
(A) State Lenin Library
(B) British Museum
(C) Boston public library
(D) Bibliotheque National
3. How many part are there in 13 digit ISBN number?
(A) 07
(B) 04
(C) 05
(D) 02
4. Which of the following service is designated to identify the most suitable documents to a specific user?
(A) Internet Link Service
(B) Document Delivery Service
(C) Selective Dissemination of Information
(D) Current Awareness Service
5. Researchers are
(A) Organizers of information
(B) Consumers of information
(C) Generation of information
(D) Both consumers and generators of information
6. Location of Library building is an implication of which Law of Library Science?
(A) Fifth
(B) Third
(C) First
(D) Fourth
7. Author’s right to claim ownership of created work is under
(A) Delivery of Books Act
(B) Intellectual Property Right
(C) Press Act
(D) Censorship
8. Indian Science Abstract are published by
9. Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF) was established to develop
(A) College Libraries
(B) Special Libraries
(C) University Libraries
(D) Public Libraries
10. Universal availability of the publication was launched by
(A) I.F.L.A
(B) I.L.A
(C) F.I.D
(D) I.C.S.U
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