1841 Panizzi’s 91 rules (British Museum code)
1867 Rules for cataloguing in congressional library
1876 Charles Ami Cutter’s rules for a printed dictionary catalogue
1883 ALA’s condensed rules for an author and title catalogue
1889 Cutter’s rules for a dictionary catalogue (2nd ed.)
1893 ‘Cataloguing Rules’ of the Library Association (LA)→LIS Cafe-Home
1891 Cutter’s rules for a dictionary catalogue (3rd ed.)
1902 ALA’s condensed rules for an author and title catalogue (Advanced ed.)
1904 Cutter’s rules for a dictionary catalogue (4th ed.)→LIS Cafe-Home
1905 Library of Congress supplementary rules on cataloguing
1906 Library of Congress special rules on cataloguing
1908 AA Code. ALA and BLA’s catalogue rules: author and title entries (174 Rules) sometimes referred to as Joint Code, in an American edition.
1934 Ranganathan’s classified catalogue code
1931 Pierson’s guide to the cataloguing of serials publications
1949 Rules for descriptive cataloguing in the Library of Congress
1967 AACR I (North American and British Text)
1971 ISBD
Thanks & Regards
Asheesh Kamal