Real Estate
Search homes being sold by their owners without the intermediation of realtors - save on commission.
Comprehensive Property Search for UK houses for sale, estate agents, house prices and guides on buying and selling property and mortgages advice.
Inman News:
Real Estate News search.
com is an online real estate search engine. Launched in March of 2007 by YannickLaclau, it allows users to search and view property listings for Europe.
The official site of the National Association of Realtors. Search listed properties all across America.
Find property online, search a wide range of property for sale in various areas in the UK, London and Overseas with Rightmove.
Find property online, agents can list their properties free, a robust real estate portal for homebuyers and sellers.
provides free real estate information including homes for sale, comparable homes, historical sales, home valuation tools and more.
Searches the webistes of colleges and universities worldwide, not just the USA. If it is on a university website somewhere, this search engine will find it.
Search colleges and universities. Use this search to search only the websites of colleges - to find courses, information, professors, curricula, etc.
Google University Search
allows you to search a specific site - one school at a time. The list of schools is comprehensive. Skoolz searches them all at once, Google University Search allows them to be searched one at a time.
The most comprehensive scientific research tool on the web. Over 450 million scientific items indexed at last count. Search journals, scientists' homepages, courseware, pre-print server material, patents, more...