• A
brief summary of the points in an article.
• A
source that compiles, by subject, author or title articles in a selected group
of periodicals and includes a summary of each article.
• In
computer-based information retrieval, the method by which a computer refers to
records in a file, dependent upon their arrangement.
• In
archives, the general ability to make use of the records of a government,
government agency, or other corporate body. (ALA Glossary)
Access points
Text and/or numeric terms used to search
bibliographic records.
Materials which are purchased for library
use. Activities related to obtaining library materials by purchase, exchange,
or gift, including pre-order bibliographic searching, ordering and receiving
materials, processing invoices, and the maintenance of the necessary records
related to acquisitions.(ALA Glossary)
A compendium of useful data and statistics
relating to countries, personalities, events, and subjects.
A bibliographic record for a part of a
publication such as a part of a book, or an individual volume of a multi-volume
work or monographic series, where each volume has its own unique title.
Annotated bibliography
A list of works with descriptions and a
brief summary or critical statement about each.
A note accompanying an entry in a
bibliography, reading list, or catalog intended to describe, explain, or
evaluate the publication referred to.
A serial publication, such as a report,
yearbook, or directory issued once a year.
A collection of extracts from the works of
various authors, usually in the same genre or about the same subject. (Example:
Norton Anthology of English Literature). Sometimes a collection from the works
of an individual author.
Section of a book containing supplementary
materials such as tables or maps.
Public records or historical documents, or
the place where such records and documents are kept.
The order in which information is presented
in a book. Determining arrangement contributes to the effective use of that
A contribution written for publication in a
journal, magazine, or newspaper.
A volume of maps, plates, engravings, tables,
Information in a non-print format.Includes
films, slides, audiotapes, videocassettes, records, software.Also referred to
as media.
Includes compilers, editors, and composers
in addition to the main personal and corporate authors who are responsible for
a work.
Authority file
The computerized list of subject, series,
and name headings used in the Online Catalog.
An account of one's life, composed by one's
ABSTRACT: (1) A short summary of an ARTICLE
in a scholarly JOURNAL. It usually appears at the beginning of the article. (2)
A printed or electronic INDEX to journal, magazine, newspaper, articles that
not only provides a CITATION to the articles, but also a brief summary of each
article. (3) A summary of a paper presented at a conference. The full text of
the paper is not always published.
AGGREGATORS: Vendors of databases.
ALMANAC: A publication that provides data,
facts, figures, statistics and tables for different subjects.
ALERTS: A research profile/strategy that
you may preset to have table of contents or lists of article citations e-mailed
directly to you.
ARCHIVE: A non-circulating collection
preserved for historical purposes. Materials are in a variety of formats
including rare books, manuscripts, personal papers, organizational records,
photographs, films, posters, and memorabilia.
ARTICLE: A (brief) essay or research report
on a subject. Articles can appear in MAGAZINEs, JOURNALs, newspapers, full text
online databases, or other sources such as encyclopedias.
ASK A LIBRARIAN: The choices of reference
services from the BC Libraries that includes the ability to receive help from a
librarian via live, online chat from your office, home, or dorm room.
ATLAS: A bound volume of maps, charts,
plates or tables illustrating any subject.
AUTHOR :The writer of a book or ARTICLE.
Usually this is a person (or several people), but it can also be a government
agency, a symposium, a company, or other group that does not necessarily give
the name(s) of the people who actually wrote the work. Such an author is
referred to as a Corporate Author.
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Creator, Author, Editor and Compiler -Asheesh Kamal
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